Rides Aid in Preserving Independence -by Margaret Long
This past year I have been unable to drive myself many times due to medical issues and procedures. Fortunately, I have a wonderful group of friends who have rallied and gotten me to and from my appointments. I am so lucky, but so many in Fort Collins and Loveland are not. That need for transportation is where Senior Alternatives in Transportation (SAINT) has been stepping in for twenty-six years providing rides with volunteer drivers for seniors and others who cannot drive due to medical conditions. During those years SAINT has provided over half a million rides thanks to those dedicated volunteers and to community support.
SAINT is a “lean mean machine” with a small staff (two full time and three part time) who schedule rides, recruit and support volunteer drivers, and manage the administrative side of the operation including all of the reports to our funding partners. They also seek new sources of funding and partner with other community agencies to find solutions to the transportation needs of our county focusing on those who can’t drive and for whom public transportation doesn’t work.
SAINT has been financially stable for decades, but a significant reduction in funds from one of its major funders, the Larimer County Office on Aging, due to their decreased funding for contracted services, has resulted in having to dip into reserve funds. In addition, other senior serving agencies have experienced the same reduction, meaning that more is being asked of the traditional funding sources. Clearly an increase in community support is needed.
Even more important than the financial resources are the volunteer drivers without whom SAINT could not provide its services. Those of us on the board and staff get frequent comments from the drivers that they find their volunteer work highly satisfying, and many continue volunteering for years. The riders are also highly satisfied with the service, and many remark on how much they enjoy talking with their drivers.
SAINT primarily serves those with low income (although the program is not means tested) who would be hard pressed to afford private transportation and who for various reasons cannot use public transportation. Although the largest share of rides are to medical appointments, the only limitations on what rides can be scheduled are the availability of drivers at the needed time, the client living within the service boundaries, and the trips falling within SAINT’s hours of operation. By not imposing a limit on the reason for the ride, the service helps the client maintain their independence whether that be for reaching a medical appointment, accessing a much needed hair cut, or enjoying a nutritious lunch while socializing at a senior meal site.
For more information on SAINT services go to saintvolunteertransportation.org, and if that doesn’t answer your question or concern call Jenna Robinson, Executive Director, at 970-223-8604 EX 4.
Margaret A. Long , a resident of Fort Collins for over twenty years, worked in county human services in six Colorado counties for forty-four years. Prior to her retirement she was the manager of the Larimer County Office of Aging for eight years and since then has continued to be active in various committees and groups involving human services.