Intergenerational Conversations


 The Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities (PAFC) partnered with the Loveland Housing Authority, I Love Loveland, CSU Center for Public Deliberation (CPD), an enthused Loveland high school student and a faculty advisor to develop a series of topic-driven roundtable conversations between local students and older adults. 

On Saturday, February 23, 2019 the first Intergenerational  Conversations event was held at the Mirasol Event Center in Loveland.  Thirty-six local residents - older adults and youth - gathered around in small groups  to share their personal values and outlooks on life. Students from CPD facilitated the discussions. 

The partnership team developed this project to bring together these two generations to discuss issues of mutual interest.  Their goal is to create an opportunity to broaden perspectives by exploring ideas from the points of view of younger and older members of the community.  Conversations were animated and participants from both generations provided positive feedback about the experience.

A second conversation was held Saturday morning, April 6, 9am-11am at the Loveland High School. The topic was “The Intergenerational Digital Divide”, an exploration of how different generations are impacted by the application of smart phones and other technological devices in our lives. A third conversation was scheduled for Saturday, August 23 and several events were held through 2020 including a few Zoom efforts during Covid.

Ultimately the project gave way to the genHERous project sponsored by the CSU department of Public Deliberation..

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